Alan Lawyer

DCLO PAC Endorses Alan Lawyer for Redmond City Council

DCLO PAC Endorses Alan Lawyer for Redmond City Council

Thank you to Alan for taking the time to answer these questions for us.


Name: Alan Lawyer

Position you are running for:: Redmond City Council


:What made you decide to run, and why do you think you are the best choice for Deschutes County?

I decided to run because of the ineffective approach to solving our homeless problem, poor planning for future capital projects, and budgets that is growing at unprecedented speed. I believe that I am the best choice because I am fully committed in helping our City. I want real and lasting results especially in dealing with the homeless problem. I am the candidate for a new direction. A direction of transparency, accountability, and results.

:How do you think the person in the position you are running for has been performing?

The two people that are up for reelection that I am trying to unseat are ineffective leaders. Noting has improved, and in fact they have gotten worse. The homeless population has exploded, crime has gone up, drug over doses have skyrocketed, and the overall quality of life has decreased.

:Name some qualities of your opponent that you think ARE and/or ARE NOT appealing to voters:

Redmond is split almost in half in terms of Democrat vs. Republican voters. I think that the democrat voters gravitate to Clifford Evelyn because he pretends to care about the issues they find important. However, what I don't think most people know about him is that he has a history of making lewd, inappropriate, and discriminatory remarks to women and in fact was fired from being the Clark County Sheriff’s Office Commander for it.


:If elected, your Oath of Office is to support and defend the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions as written. Do you intend to uphold Constitutional Law?

As a person who absolutely loves this country, had served in the military and has already taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemy's foreign and domestic I will absolutely do that.

:If another 'pandemic' were to arise, would you support mandatory vaccinations and/or ‘vaccine passports’?

Absolutely not. In fact, while I worked for the City of Redmond there was an email that was put out by the City Manager and the City Attorney that stated they were considering making vaccines mandatory if the state required it. I sent out a "City All" email in response and told them that i thought that would be a huge mistake. My email got so much attention from every department in the city (agreeing with me) that the City Manager called me that night. I believe in individual rights.

:What is your position on the 2nd Amendment?

I have been shooting and hunting since I was a kid. I used to work for Nosler, I own guns, and shoot guns. it is my belief that if we didn't have the 2nd Amendment we wouldn't have any constitutional rights.


:Do you support ‘sanctuary’ cities, counties or states for immigrants who unlawfully enter our country? Why or Why not?

Absolutely not. It's a shame that there are leaders that are okay with criminals moving into our communities and are then protected. Those leaders do not care about the rule of law, don't understand or care about what an oath means and in my opinion should be put on trial for treason.

:Do you believe illegal aliens should be entitled to any form of financial or social welfare support from taxpayers, including legal support such as driver’s licenses?

Absolutely not. First of all, they're illegal. Secondly, the hard working people of this county who go to work every day to provide for their families should not have the burden to pay for the many programs that illegals get. It's shameful. There should be absolutely zero aid or comfort for those who invade our country.

:Do you support allowing citizens and companies under the control of China, North Korea, and other countries who want to undermine the U.S. to buy land in this state?

This is no reason we should allow any foreign county or nationals to purchase any of our land. It's a national security threat and it should be treated as such.

Law Enforcement:

:If violent, destructive riots such as occurred in major cities throughout the US were to arise here in Central Oregon, do you stand behind law enforcement using proportional force to immediately end this rioting?

I support swift action using appropriate force to maintain law and order. We cant allow thugs to destroy our communities.


:What is your view on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our governmental institutions?

DEI is a made up term that enables any institution to discriminate. I want the best person for the job, not the person who can be used as a pawn.

:If a federal grant requires a taxpayer-funded entity, including a school, locality, or state agency to provide services or a benefit to an individual solely based on race, should state law prohibit the entity from accepting the grant funds?

Yes. Discrimination is discrimination. It's illegal.

:If elected, what will you do to help solve the homelessness crisis?

Enforce existing laws and if needed, utilize the Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling by the United States Supreme Court

:If elected, what will you do to address the drug problem in Central Oregon?

We need to enforce drug laws. Measure 110 was a massive mistake from the beginning. I will push for more stringent drug laws.

:If the state attorney general challenges a federal regulation or action, how would you require your state agencies to cooperate with the attorney general with that challenge?

Honestly, I would have to consult with an attorney. I'm not familiar with all the laws pertaining to this. However, ensuring and mandating that the US Constitution and the Oregon Constitution are followed.


:What is your stance on Election Integrity? What can we do to ensure safe, legal, and fair elections?

We need in person voting and require a state issued ID in order to vote. Anything less than that is unfair and unsafe.


:Do you support School Choice for Parents?

Yes. I have two children myself. I currently have to pay for private school because I don't trust the public schools. Parents should be able to use their tax dollars to put their children into any school. School choice allows the free market to determine what schools are best.

:Do you support Critical Race Theory?

No. This is just another way to discriminate and promote racism.

:Should the state legislature allow school and public libraries to purchase books that depict graphic sex scenes, especially books that describe and picture sex acts such as rape, incest, and pedophilia?

No. This push to corrupt our youth is criminal. How the citizens allow this is insane. We need harsher laws for these perverse people and organizations.


:What should the governor and state legislature do to control health care costs?

Get out of the way. Anytime government gets involved things get more expensive and less efficient.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Please add any notes on subjects we may have missed, or that you feel are important.

I really appreciate your time and consideration in endorsing me for Redmond City Council.


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