Kent Vander Kamp

DCLO PAC Endorses Kent Vander Kamp for Deschutes County Sheriff

Thank you to Kent Vander Kamp for taking the time to answer questions for DCLO.


Name: Kent Vander Kamp

Position you are running for:: Sheriff


:What made you decide to run, and why do you think you are the best choice for Deschutes County?

After nearly a decade marred by legal battles, controversies, and negative news headlines, it is clear the Sheriff's Office must change course. I bring trust, transparency, education, and experience , with analytical and problem-solving skills, the ability to think critically and resolve conflict, an understanding of public safety law, awareness of budget/fiscal issues and the ability to effectively communicate with a wide array of people, from subordinates to community leaders and the media. I am the only candidate for Sheriff that has spent the last 20+ years analyzing, maintaining, and balancing large budgets, making complex financial transactions, capital management, and strategic initiatives, all with integrity and stakeholders' guidance. Not only do I have the experience, but I have the formal education recognized by the business community and media. I am running for the next generation, not the next election. I am not running against anyone, I am running for Deschutes County and you. My vision is to lead a Sheriff Office that is innovative, collaborative, trusted, and efficient that supports a safe, supportive, and just Deschutes County in partnership with our community and visitors.

:How do you think the person in the position you are running for has been performing?

After nearly a decade marred by legal battles, controversies, and negative news headlines, it is clear the Sheriff's Office must change course. Recently, my opponent and the Sheriff has been spending money recklessly, unable to maintains budgets, poor HR decisions, dangerous staffing levels, hiring "consultant" that cost millions in fees and court judgments.

:Name some qualities of your opponent that you think ARE and/or ARE NOT appealing to voters:

In an investigative report about my opponent’s administration, Oregon DOJ Investigator Marlene Olsen voiced concern for the atmosphere of cliques and privilege within DSCO.” And further wrote “It appears to be a systemic issue … (that) affects the performance and motivation of those on the job.” My opponent standing today is a product of just that, cliques and privilege.


:If elected, your Oath of Office is to support and defend the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions as written. Do you intend to uphold Constitutional Law?

Yes, I wholly support and defend the US Constitution, as it was established to protect citizens and residents from over-reaching governments and undesirable people and practices. It Embodies the fundamental principles by which the United States is governed Including regulations for the operation of government functions Includes rights of individual citizens and residents. Although, it does not specifically mention law enforcement. However, because it lays the foundation for creating government and order in the nation, it applies to law enforcement, whose job it is to maintain order and uphold governmental principles.

:If another 'pandemic' were to arise, would you support mandatory vaccinations and/or ‘vaccine passports’?

No, I personally did not support the mandate. I do not believe it is a mandate that law enforcement could or should enforce.

:What is your position on the 2nd Amendment?

I support and encourage law-abiding citizens to utilize their 2A rights. To many, the answer is to enact more restrictions on legal access to firearms. Advocates on this side of the debate propose measures such as stricter eligibility requirements for age and mental health, more thorough background checks, longer waiting periods, fewer authorized sellers, strict liability for gun manufacturers, and/or bans on various firearms and firearm accessories. Others, mindful of government’s failure to protect people, especially in “gun-free” zones and cities, are skeptical that tighter restrictions will improve public safety. They believe that reducing legal access to guns for law-abiding adults weakens the ability of people to both protect themselves from crime and defend their rights from growing encroachment by any government emboldened to abuse its authority.


:Do you support ‘sanctuary’ cities, counties or states for immigrants who unlawfully enter our country? Why or Why not?

I personally do not support sanctuary cities or violating federal law to enter the United States. However, I support organizations like the Latino Community Association and personally volunteer as tutor for legal residents that are preparing to the take the US Citizenship test. I teach US Civics, history, and the US Constitution to immigrants that have entered the US lawfully and want to be citizens. Nothing else has been more rewarding.

:Do you believe illegal aliens should be entitled to any form of financial or social welfare support from taxpayers, including legal support such as driver’s licenses?

No, see above.

:Do you support allowing citizens and companies under the control of China, North Korea, and other countries who want to undermine the U.S. to buy land in this state?

Although this is not a law enforcement operation, the federal government should do more to prevent or monitor this.

Law Enforcement:

:If violent, destructive riots such as occurred in major cities throughout the US were to arise here in Central Oregon, do you stand behind law enforcement using proportional force to immediately end this rioting?

Yes, my office will not tolerate violent riots in Deschutes County and will utilize all available tools under Oregon and Federal law.


:What is your view on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our governmental institutions?

At the outset let me admit that there is no way to talk about this issue, which covers the universe of gender bias, racism, the rights of the disabled, and representation, without offending someone along the way. The topic is rich with the unsavory history of the treatment of underserved populations and ripe with opportunity to address those inequities. In regard to hiring; I believe in hiring the best person that offers the best ability, skill and knowledge for a job. I will not hiring someone simply based on a gender, sexuality or anything else in an attempt to overlook skill, ability and knowledge. because of the

:If a federal grant requires a taxpayer-funded entity, including a school, locality, or state agency to provide services or a benefit to an individual solely based on race, should state law prohibit the entity from accepting the grant funds?

I would not accept a grant based solely on race terms.

:If elected, what will you do to help solve the homelessness crisis?

The Sheriff’s role is to ensure everyone, including homeless citizens, in the community is protected. It is unfortunate, but many serious crimes occur within the homeless community. It is also the responsibility to protect the other citizens from the homeless population with criminal histories or who are committing crimes against our citizens and the businesses of this county. Being homeless doesn't exempt you from criminal laws. The causes of homelessness vary and are arguable. Some say it is caused by the cost of housing, drug addiction, mental health, no family support, or aging out of the foster system. Regardless, supporting these camps is not compassionate, and the community leaders can do better. I am discussing installing a more robust behavioral mental health and drug addiction counseling program inside the jail so that before they get released, they get evaluated and get offered services. Many are released in the early morning hours with nothing more than what they had going into jail. This same service can be implemented when patrol deputies respond to calls of service involving homeless citizens. Imagine what we could have done with the millions of dollars we have paid employees and ex-employees because of my opponent's administration and bad leadership.

:If elected, what will you do to address the drug problem in Central Oregon?

I am already doing something about it as the leader of the Central Oregon Drug Enforcement Team and the Deschutes County Illicit Marijuana Team.

:If the state attorney general challenges a federal regulation or action, how would you require your state agencies to cooperate with the attorney general with that challenge?

Measure 110 got us where we are today. I understand why people voted for it. Oregonians wanted a different effective way to help people suffering from substance abuse disorders and wanted to help find them a better life through treatment and services. I didn’t vote for it. I recognized it was a bad idea the as I do today. It has brought it where we are today. We don’t need a government funded study to report Oregonians are already seeing that M110 is not working. Oregon communities are now dealing with the trifecta. Drug addiction, mental health and homelessness. This is not just a problem in Portland, Salem or Eugene. It is happening right here in Deschutes County. Without criminalization of drug possession, evidence shows that there is no incentive for some to get treatment, seek services or for law enforcement to be involved. Drugs courts must return. The concept was to turn an arrest for criminal drug possession into an opportunity for a judge to guide a person suffering from substance use disorder to participate into a treatment program or seek required services all while being required to check in with the court during the process. If successful, the criminal case would be dismissed. That is the missing accountability piece. We had it here is Deschutes County for over a decade. Unfortunately, it died when M110 was born. People who are suffering from this plague don't have the ability or mind to make decisions best for their health or well-being. They only know how to seek out the source of their addiction. One thing that has become evident about Oregon’s failed experiment, it is the serious of drug addiction, too many people have been affected by the potency of fentanyl and methamphetamine. We must make a more substantial investment with mental health care, job preparation, career skills, and drug treatment.


:What is your stance on Election Integrity? What can we do to ensure safe, legal, and fair elections?

Election integrity is essential for maintaining the legitimacy of democratic processes. Ensuring safe, legal, and fair elections involves multiple measures, including: Transparent and Accessible Voting Processes: Implementing clear and accessible procedures for voter registration, ballot casting, and counting to minimize confusion and ensure that all eligible voters can participate. Securing Voting Systems: Employing secure and reliable voting technologies that protect against hacking, tampering, or other forms of interference. Regular security audits and updates are necessary to maintain the integrity of these systems. Voter Education and Outreach: Providing accurate information to voters about registration deadlines, polling locations, and the voting process itself to empower citizens to exercise their right to vote knowledgeably. Ensuring Equal Access to Voting: Taking steps to remove barriers to voting, such as voter suppression tactics or inadequate infrastructure in marginalized communities, to ensure that all eligible citizens have an equal opportunity to participate in elections. Independent Oversight and Monitoring: Establishing independent bodies or agencies responsible for monitoring elections, investigating irregularities, and enforcing election laws to prevent fraud and maintain accountability. Fair Districting and Representation: Implementing fair and impartial redistricting processes to prevent gerrymandering and ensure that electoral districts accurately reflect the demographics and interests of the population. Campaign Finance Reform: Regulating campaign financing to prevent undue influence from wealthy individuals or special interest groups and promote fairness in the electoral process. Legal Framework and Enforcement: Enacting and enforcing laws that prohibit election fraud, voter intimidation, or other forms of misconduct, with appropriate penalties for violations. Overall, maintaining election integrity requires a combination of legislative measures, technological solutions, public engagement, and oversight mechanisms to safeguard the democratic process and uphold the trust of the electorate.


:Do you support School Choice for Parents?

I do not have school aged children and I am unfamilar with this program.

:Do you support Critical Race Theory?

I don't support the methods used in education or the methods used to divide a society. As a law enforcement leader in Central Oregon, I recognize it has become a framework for examining and understanding the ways in which racial disparities are embedded and reproduced within legal systems, including law enforcement practices. Within the profession, this methodology critics historical racial profiling, disparities in legal outcomes, and community relations. I believe the same can be achieved through proper leadership and agency development.

:Should the state legislature allow school and public libraries to purchase books that depict graphic sex scenes, especially books that describe and picture sex acts such as rape, incest, and pedophilia?

As a parent, a faithful, responsible adult with common sense, I find this proposal absurd.


:What should the governor and state legislature do to control health care costs?

This is not a law enforcement function and I am not familiar with the topic enough to comment.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Please add any notes on subjects we may have missed, or that you feel are important.:

I’m running for office because I love Deschutes County and I love the Sheriff's Office. Its place I have called home for 25 years. I work with some of the hardest working law enforcement professionals in Oregon. The embarrassing leadership news stories and lawsuits do not represent the work they do. I can bring the office to the next level.

Additional Questions: The Secretary of the Deschutes Republican Party was looking for more information on the 2nd Amendment and where Kent Vander Kamp stood on these issues:

06.29.24 - “Here is what I would like to know….Besides the guns that are already not allowed to be owned by Americans without special permits, what guns does he think Americans should not have?  I would like to know more about his support of red flag laws?   He also made it a point when Trevor was talking about ballot measure 114 to say that he will enforce the laws.  We had many sheriffs across the state say they would not enforce 114 if it was put into effect, it sounds like he would not be joining those sheriffs in standing up against unconstitutional laws.   I think what we were very excited about when he ran is that he would be a constitutional sheriff and right now the democrats are supporting him over Bailey which is surprising to me.  I never thought there would be a time I and Trevor Johnson would support the same candidate for any position.”

Kent Vander Kamp’s Response to the Secretary:

07.01.24 - Thanks for the question!

I don’t have any interest in regulating guns or the type of guns owned by US Citizens. However, I do support the current law restricting possession by convicted felons, non-US citizens, and the mentally ill. I was unsure which red-flag laws your friend was referring to; Oregon or Federal. I have used the Oregon laws regularly as a Detective. I approve of the ERPO method, which requires a probable cause standard decided by a court. Deschutes County uses the ERPO most when compared to other counties. This system has saved many lives in suicidal and domestic violence situations. The recently proposed federal background checks (including M114 “permits” were repetitive, a burden to taxpayers and determined to be unconstitutional by the high courts.

I have received many questions about my position regarding Measure 114. My fellow Oregonians and our Deschutes County community have told me their strong opinions on this measure; many believe it violates their Second Amendment rights. I have the same concerns.

As your next Sheriff, I will always prioritize the US and Oregon Constitution and uphold the laws of our great state and nation. However, the courts will ultimately decide any violation of the constitution and not the Sheriff. As I predicted, many legal analysts were confident that measure 114 would lose legal challenges during the constitutional test. I don’t see the current legislature revisiting M114 in the upcoming session, but they will eventually. Until then, I encourage everyone to contact elected legislative representatives and share their concerns.

About the democrats supporting me: First, let it be known, I am an unapologetic conservative. I make that same comment whenever I attend a democratic function. I also explain that being in law enforcement doesn’t allow for partisan politics. I believe that everyone deserves to feel safe and protected regardless of where you live, how much money they make, the language they speak, the god they pray to, or how they are registered to vote. I give everyone I serve 100%.

In today's world, I have found that everyone wants the same thing from their local law enforcement. They want caring, compassionate, and thoughtful law enforcement professionals who will come together with the community and find solutions to the drug crisis, homelessness, crime, violence, and traffic deaths. Our Deschutes County community wants to stop the expensive lawsuits within the Sheriff’s Office and control the spending of tax dollars. No partisan politics needed. I am with your friend; never did I think conservatives, liberals, and unaffiliated voters would support and endorse the same candidate for Sheriff. Your friend’s comment about Trevor makes me smile, and I think she should be excited. People are tired and want change.

On that note, I have never said I would not enforce M114. I said that the courts would need to make constitutionality deicsions and that in its previous form, the law was not enforceable. No Sheriff had the legal authority or financial means to support M114 as the voters approved it.

I see myself as a connector. I have made a career creating relationships and genuinely connecting with people. This is essential to the success of the Sheriff’s Office. It hasn’t been happening for the last 8 years and it shows. It is a necessary basis of mutual respect, which is the basis of my leadership style. At the Drug Team, I bring cops, prosecutors, child welfare workers, homeless advocates, mental health therapists, and public health officials to the table every week for a meeting. I never thought I would see this or believe these people from various backgrounds and walks of life support each other. That also makes me smile. This is the change we need to make at the Sheriff’s Office.

I think I covered all of the questions. Please send me more.

Yours Truly,

Kent Vander Kamp

Your Next Deschutes County Sheriff


Chet Wamboldt


In Our Time