Michael Summers

DCLO PAC Endorses Michael Summers for Senate District 27

Thank you to Michael for taking the time to answer these questions for us.


Name: Michael Summers

Position you are running for:: Senate District 27


:What made you decide to run, and why do you think you are the best choice for Deschutes County?

As a C.O. native I am invested in keeping this the best place to live, work, and play in the world! Growth has brought many challenges and different perspectives to the area. The current model of divide and control is not working for Oregon and there are innovative solutions available if we all come to the table. I am a bridgebuilder who knows how to bring the two sides together without compromising my core values. If I can do it on the Redmond School board through COVID, I believe I can do it in the Senate.

My successes in running a family business and my leadership of the Redmond School through the pandemic has prepared me to be a successful Senator.

:How do you think the person in the position you are running for has been performing?

Tim Knopp has performed admirably as our current District 27 Senator. He has served Central Oregon well for many decades and I am honored to take the baton.


:If elected, your Oath of Office is to support and defend the U.S. and Oregon Constitutions as written. Do you intend to uphold Constitutional Law?

Absolutely! The Constitution is there to keep the Government in it's lane and provide maximum freedom for all.

:If another 'pandemic' were to arise, would you support mandatory vaccinations and/or ‘vaccine passports’?

Absolutely not! I opposed the mandates from the RSD Board and will oppose it as a Senator.

:What is your position on the 2nd Amendment?

I am Pro-2nd Amendment


:Do you support ‘sanctuary’ cities, counties or states for immigrants who unlawfully enter our country? Why or Why not?

I support a controlled, and thoughtful immigration process. I do not support sanctuary cities, counties, or states.

:Do you believe illegal aliens should be entitled to any form of financial or social welfare support from taxpayers, including legal support such as driver’s licenses?

No. This form of support is not sustainable and puts our citizens last while incentivizing more illegal entrance into the country.

:Do you support allowing citizens and companies under the control of China, North Korea, and other countries who want to undermine the U.S. to buy land in this state?

I do not.

Law Enforcement:

:If violent, destructive riots such as occurred in major cities throughout the US were to arise here in Central Oregon, do you stand behind law enforcement using proportional force to immediately end this rioting?

Yes. People's right to free speech and protest does not extend to riots, violence, property damage, blocking public roads etc...


:What is your view on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in our governmental institutions?

I do not support DEI. I want everyone afforded opportunity to succeed but firmly believe in meritocracy. DEI erodes excellence anywhere it is applied, and encourages division.

:If a federal grant requires a taxpayer-funded entity, including a school, locality, or state agency to provide services or a benefit to an individual solely based on race, should state law prohibit the entity from accepting the grant funds?

Discrimination based on race should not be allowed.

:If elected, what will you do to help solve the homelessness crisis?

I would advocate for further reform of measure 110 and the allocation of treatment funds to the chronically addicted and mentally ill while removing violent and dangerous predators from the streets. Without any teeth, our laws will continue to encourage and even incentivize homelessness and addiction.

:If elected, what will you do to address the drug problem in Central Oregon?

Focus law enforcement on traffickers bringing lethal drugs into our community backed up by much harsher penalties. You cannot be an effective drug dealer from inside a prison. We need stronger incentives for people to seek and receive treatment including mandated treatment for repeat criminal offenders.

:If the state attorney general challenges a federal regulation or action, how would you require your state agencies to cooperate with the attorney general with that challenge?

I would demand they follow the constitution.


:What is your stance on Election Integrity? What can we do to ensure safe, legal, and fair elections?

Voter ID and "day of" paper balloting is the most secure way to facilitate an election.


:Do you support School Choice for Parents?

Yes. Competition creates excellence and innovation.

:Do you support Critical Race Theory?


:Should the state legislature allow school and public libraries to purchase books that depict graphic sex scenes, especially books that describe and picture sex acts such as rape, incest, and pedophilia?



:What should the governor and state legislature do to control health care costs?

The government should not be in the healthcare business and should encourage competition.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Does More Harm Than Good.
