Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Does More Harm Than Good.

A lot of attention is being paid these days to DEI programs implemented in our schools, government offices, corporations, investing, sports and more. Many have strong feelings about these programs-- they either embrace them or resent them. Do racism and bigotry exist in our world? Of course. Is the US [or Bend] worse than anywhere else? No. Will we ever eradicate this behavior entirely? Of course not. Should we try? Yes. Are DEI programs the answer? No.

The exercise of free will against tyranny is the single principle that defines the American Spirit, our history, and our culture. We embrace the fundamental rights of the individual against wrongful government intrusion. These rights are reflected in our foundational principles. Put simply, DEI programming is a form of thought policing not supported by our Constitution. Once benevolent concepts such as diversity, equity and inclusion have now been perversely distorted.

Diversity had been known as embracing the differences everyone brings to the table whether it’s someone’s race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability or other aspects of social identity. But today “it means a tightly policed uniformity of views, identity-based approach to society and racial quotas”(1.) This is not only illegal, but a violation of individual identity, “enforces intellectual conformity, political quotas, and is an attack on merit and a form of soft bigotry.”(2.)

Equity was treating everyone fairly and providing equal opportunities. Today, “Equity has come to mean that the government must treat people differently because of their race, country of origin or other immutable characteristics.”(1.) The goal now is to guarantee an equality of outcomes, including reparations, which is a violation of equality before the law. It is a “dismantling of the foundations of a free society, state management of society by redistributing resources, opportunity and access.”(2.)

Inclusion was respecting everyone’s voice and creating a culture where people from all backgrounds felt encouraged to express their ideas and perspectives. Today Inclusion violates the first amendment. Language codes demands people only use inclusive language, restricts speech and justifies purges. It is an attack on freedoms of association and speech. An enforced separation of people by race. (3.)

All men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. This principle is a direct expression of the first meaning of equity – justice according to natural law or rights. The DEI paradigm is taking the US in a direction opposed to what the Founders had originally intended. Discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin is contrary to the constitutional principles and policies of the US, that is true whether you are white, black, brown or something in between.

Today’s DEI “concepts are fundamentally unconstitutional, divisive, and engender greater conflict and tension between different members of the American population.”(4.) Some might say that DEI programming and our own Human Rights Commission are needed, but they are not. In addition to being largely illegal following recent Supreme Court jurisprudence, DEI programs are wholly unnecessary.

Furthermore, our society has a three-part interwoven system of checks on conduct determined to be non-diverse, non-equitable, non-inclusive. First, we have a legal system, embedded in our Constitution, that magnificently protects individual rights and liberties better than any system in world history. Infringement on the equal opportunity of any individual based upon race, religion, sexual orientation is patently illegal.

Second, we have our churches to add a spiritual ceiling even above the law. Christianity preaches peace, tolerance, love and acceptance -- far better than any woke DEI coordinator at a university could ever do.

Last, we have each other. We simply know when true inequity is occurring, and we strive to police each other. We stick up for each other. We do not need woke activists lecturing to us that our skin color makes us racist oppressors by virtue of our existence. In fact, the vitriol espoused in these programs is counterproductive, creating a more hostile, distrusting, IN-equitable place. There has always been and will always be, an overarching system of American morality and exceptionalism, to which bullying and inequity are simply anathema. DEI is just another name for affirmative action.

1. Quotes from “DEI hasn’t just infected the Left” by Mike Gonzalez

2. & 3. Direct quotes from the “Responding to social justice rhetoric, A cheat sheet for policy makers.”

4. Quote from The Radicalization of Race, Philanthropy and DEI by Katharine Gorka and Mike Gonzalez, Report on The Heritage Foundation.


This Has Gone Too Far


Michael Summers