This Has Gone Too Far

If you don’t watch or listen to news OTHER THAN MAINSTREAM MEDIA, you probably don’t know everything that conspired up to last Friday evening. DCLO found that Peter Navarro’s Substack, says it the best. Peter Navarro is in PRISON for contempt of court, a misdemeanor, but while he’s there, Heather K put up this post, and we feel like it says it pretty good.

Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America

The Right Side of History


MAY 31, 2024

The trials of President Trump and the guilty verdict call attention to the absolute corruption, abuses, and failures of the Biden Justice Department. With the owner of this Substack languishing in federal prison for a non-crime and with the former president and the presumptive Republican nominee on trial for his life, it has become evident to MAGA that the justice system, like so many of our institutions, is rotten and needs major reform. MAGA has been at the forefront of the ideological transformation of the Republican party, most notably in what Dr. Navarro calls the MAGA triangle: fair trade that protects American workers and supply chains, an immigration policy that protects our national sovereignty and American workers, and an end to endless wars, a departure from the failed neocon foreign policy. MAGA Championing a Complete Overhaul of the Justice System and Criminal Justice Reform Is the Right Side of History. Many Americans have known for a long time what we are now seeing: the system is rigged and does not adequately serve the American People. It is time for MAGA to lead the way in reversing years of corruption and injustice.

PART I – The Abuses of Biden Department of Justice and Prior Administrations

Dr. Peter Navarro outlined in his recent Substack article that many problems within the US criminal justice system are beyond what we imagined. We need to look no further than the unjust kangaroo court show trials, guilty verdict, and pending sentencing of President Trump, or the trials and imprisonment of Dr. Peter Navarro, to observe this in real-time. The unjust trials of President Trump are a disgrace to the Rule of Law, election interference, and violations of the Constitution. These are not isolated injustices; they are evidence of the widespread problem, deeply embedded in American institutions and led by bureaucrats running and ruining this country.

There are many issues with the justice system, some of which can be summarized as follows:

1. Regular violations of the US Constitution.

2. Prosecutorial abuses and misconduct. This includes activist judges, prosecution of the innocent, and intentional persecution of individuals because of who they are, their politics, and/or personal beliefs- needless to say, the most egregious of the political persecutions being President Trump.

3. The expansion of "federal crimes," including the broad application of the law (i.e., broad "obstruction of justice" charges), and heavy-handed, excessive sentencing sometimes via "mandatory minimums" (and in some cases with no opportunities for parole) all of which violate the Eighth Amendment.

We have witnessed all of the above with the prosecution of President Trump. Overall, all of these points shamefully tear the fabric of our nation, betray the American people, damage the definition of justice, and waste the bloodshed sacrificed for this nation since its founding. In this respect, we fail to achieve the "blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." The above underscores the current problems within the lopsided and abusive justice system, which creates an undue burden for victims of the system and an unnecessary burden for the US taxpayer (we will explore the cost to US taxpayers in Part II of this article). As Dr. Navarro wrote – we must add "smart on crime" to the "tough on crime" mantra.

Before the Trump Presidency, most Americans likely paid little attention to the justice system unless directly affected by it, trusting that the legislative branch operated with little to no error and abided by the US Constitution. The Trump impeachment trials, up through the current show trials and potential imprisonment of President Trump, dredged up the numerous abuses of the justice department and system. General Flynn, who was also appallingly targeted, was recently vindicated when he finally had a chance to share his entire story with the American people.

Recent Abuses
The long list of political persecutions since Biden's Inauguration has overtly exposed the corruption within the judicial branch and throughout the Department of Justice (DOJ), including the criminal justice system. The recent house raids, arrests, trials, sentencing, and/or incarceration, and overall political persecution of individuals such as Dr. Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Dexter Taylor, Douglas Mackey, pro-life activist Mark Houck, USMC Marine Daniel Penny, Gold Star mother Tina Peters, journalist Steve Baker, journalist David Medina, J6 defendants, and peaceful pro-life protesters (to name a few) emphasizes the inconsistencies in the system itself. These do not include all injustices and are just recent examples of the perversion of the justice system and its consistent and regular violations of the Constitution, especially the First, Second, Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Amendments. It does not include countless other examples from decades past. These instances of injustice are not just an infringement of Constitutional rights and indicative of corruption but also an undue burden for the victims of the system and an excessive and unnecessary cost for the US taxpayers.

Lopsided Justice
Also recent in memory is the ongoing shock from the January 6th arrests and sentencing in which the Department of Justice violated the rights of American citizens and hammered with a variety of broad, sweeping accusations and harsh punishments. The J6 defendants' punishments existed in stark contrast to prosecutions of violent Black Lives Matter riots, which were more violent and caused billions in damage and at least 19 deaths but resulted in fewer charges. The Major City Chiefs Association, a police organization that compiled data on the BLM protests, provided summary details from 68 of the US and Canada's largest municipal and county jurisdictions. The report included the following data:

There were over 8700 BLM protests between May 25, 2020 – July 31, 2020
574 protests involved violence
The largest protests, estimated as large as 50,000
3,692 involved unlawful acts of civil disobedience
2,385 incidents of looting
624 incidents of arson, including 97 police vehicles burned
More than 2,035 officers injured

Additionally, Forbes reported the names of 19 people who died as a result of the protests throughout a two-week period.
[Note: Far left-leaning Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED) reported over 11,000 BLM Protests and a similar number of violent protests.]

Per the Associated Press, the BLM protests only resulted in 120 BLM defendants who pleaded guilty to federal crimes, including rioting, arson, and conspiracy – with 70 who averaged 27 months incarceration, 10 individuals who received 5 years or more, and 19 who got no prison time or pleaded guilty to misdemeanors. This is a glaring difference between the 1,396 and counting J6 defendants charged and 517 J6 defendants sentenced to incarceration in federal prison.

Long-Standing Abuses
The longer-standing abuses, inconsistencies, and weaponization of the American justice system are also exemplified in the case of Ross Ulbricht, a non-violent, first-time offender serving a double life sentence, including 40 years without parole, currently entering his 12th year in federal prison. The Ulbricht case is one of the grossest examples of injustice in this country in recent history. During President Trump's speech at the 2024 Libertarian Presidential Convention at the Washington Hilton, President Trump vowed to commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht and pardon the January 6 defendants. Oddly, John Hinckley Jr. - who attempted to assassinate US President Regan at that same Washington Hilton in 1981- was institutionalized for 41 years, a sentence which is still shorter than Ross Ulbricht's sentence. Ulbricht is one example of many first-time, non-violent offenders living a nightmare in prison, issued harsh sentences via broad catch-all crimes that demonstrate the excessive and lopsided application of the law.

President Trump's guilty verdict, as well as numerous other examples, demonstrate the abysmal failures and abuses of the US justice system, which have only intensified under the Biden Administration. In the United States, a former President can be denied his Constitutional rights and charged with broad, sweeping non-crimes at the behest of his political opponents. Americans know the "wrong" political opinion can earn an FBI knock at the door. This rapid slip into harsh authoritarianism is no longer a pipe dream – we have arrived, and the justice system is no better than that of the Third World. Evidence of the slip into authoritarianism shifted rapidly during the Biden administration, but the seeds of it began years ago. We can get out of it, but it requires dedication and action in every possible way, and we must band together to support lawmakers in voter ID laws, voter registration, voting in the election, and legal ballot harvesting. It's taken years to fully access the truth and condition of this country due to the decades-long biased and untruthful media blitzkrieg of lies and suppression of free speech (wrong-think) on social media platforms partnered with federal agencies (comparable to Operation Mockingbird). This brokenness has reformed us into an awakened citizenry that is more aware of what is happening, and we know our actions and choices in 2024 could have grave consequences if we fail. We must include the issue of criminal justice reform as we move forward to preserve the rights of US citizens, the US Constitution, and the country itself. The American people have seen the truth.

Heather Kaiser is a former military intelligence officer and veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is an independent researcher and analyst for defense, intelligence, and political matters. Heather earned a bachelor's in geopolitics from the United States Military Academy at West Point and earned a degree in sculpture from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Since the 2020 riots, she has returned to research and analysis of current events for organizations such as American Contingency and Grayzone.

Peter Navarro’s Substack account, including all individual article posts, are temporarily being handled and managed independently of him.

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